One problem that has been talked about lately is the immigration that Chile is facing, has received many migrants in it’s history, in the last century German’s and Croat’s, in the 90 Peruvian’s and Palestinian’s, and now in the last decade Venezuelan's, Haitian's and Colombian's. Chile has become the favorite place in South America to come to live, due to an economic stability and slow, but safe development, compared to neighboring countries. The Haitians have been the most controversial, because they don’t speak Spanish and in the vast majority of cases they don't have higher education. This has caused them not to get an easy job, and they end up living in deplorable conditions, which consequently caused them to get sick constantly and saturated the medical care and public health care centers, in addition to some enter the diseases to which we are not accustomed to or diseases that we have forgotten. The problem is that Chile is not ready to face this ...